








>>Trump took to twitter today saying the vaccine will be ready by the end of the year, getting thousands of thumbs up. Stupid people WANT this Vax so they can "get back to normal"... sheeple WANT the shot!


>>Escape from newyork the movie was right ... yikes

とにかくNYから非難したほうがいいよ。映画にこうなることの予告が醸し出されてた.... ゾッとする。

>>We already have the military helicopters flying over our neighborhoods at night for the last year


 >> I noticed that in the USA in the states of Idaho and Arkansas. I don't know about other states. There are military bases in both of those states.

>> California


>>Yep ,here in NC as well and I live in rural country small town no where near an army base...... strange helicopters with a weird looking contraption circular thing hanging down from it. Night and day
  ノースカロライナもだよ。でも僕が住んでるところは田舎で、基地などない、小さな町なんだけど。 不審な複数のヘリが円い仕掛けのような道具をぶら下げて、日中も夜も飛んでるんだ。

>> with red and green lights...looking like I dare not say “space ships” but they are definitely military helicopters. And that’s in California, Los Angeles County mostly, but I got reports from people in Las Vegas and also Ohio.
  赤と緑のライトを放ってたから宇宙船?と思ったけど、よく見ると軍のヘリが何台も飛んでた。見たのはカリフォリニアのロス辺り。ラスベガスやオハイオでも見たというのも聞いたことがあ るよ。      

>>Theyve been flying near STONE MOUNTAIN/KKK HEADQUARTERS in ATL for the last 2 years, usually around 3-4 a.m. you can hear the military choppers near my home an itz at near the base of the   mountain!! I knew they were up to something!!
  過去2年、KKKのヘッドクォーターのそばにあるアトランタのストーン・マウンテン付近をよくヘリが飛んでるよ。平均して3~4時間ぐらい。自分の家のそばの山の中腹にある基地から、 軍の半導体で高速断続している音が良く聞こえてくる。判らないけど、何かやってるんだと思う‼

>>I stop telling people because they either dont want to hear it or they say its not going to happen so i just dust my feet off an keep going


>>That's a strange way to put it .... A mandatory recommendation, so is it just a recommendation? Just plain evil!!!

おかしくないか? ワクチン接種は、“義務であり、おススメ”… おススメなのに義務? 単なる強制じゃないか、それって悪だろ‼‼ 

>>Hi from France I've seen earlier today and in the last days, several articles where known politicians say exactly the same, that it should be mandatory...So...Same here. God bless you



>>Fema, & quarantine camps?!?!!! Are you kidding me?! Lets call them what they actually are!!! They are actually "Concentration Camps"!!! That's the TRUTH!!! You will not escape these camps, once you're in, that's it! It's over!!! You're done!!!

FEMAとか隔離キャンプ??‼ 実際はそんなヤワな感覚じゃない。これらは何なのかと言えば“強制収用所”‼ これが真実だ‼ 一度、放り込まれたら二度と出てこれない。人生終わり‼

>> They are gonna do it different, for who that havent take the vaccine it will be fobidden to go to work or do grocery's


>>wow ,i just graduated high schoool and was thinking about joining the military, now i have doubts.



>>NWO is coming soon



>>People go look at yesterday media coverage of Biden interview on CNN when he talks about the coming of the dark winter


>>I feel it's getting harder for me to live in this world I don't know about y'all all this evil irritates my spirit tired of these demonic beings controlling this world.



>>Keep spreading truth,everyone spread this video,let's get it to 500,000 views.


>>For those who have ever thought this was a free country, I would like to inform of the fact, that it has never been free. Everything we do has a price. Example: You buy a car, you have to pay taxes on the sale. You must pay to register in order to drive it on the public roadway, plus you must pay for a drivers license, an in most states mandatory auto insurance. So don't be shocked, just be woke!


>>Whatever they plot, scheme or do, they will never find peace or happiness. All praises to The Most High YAHUAH.

悪魔勢力が、世界を支配しようとあれこれ謀略を企ててるけど、悪い連中には平安や幸せはやってこない。 神様こそ最高位で、全ての賞賛に値する存在だ。

>>Trump's role was to lead everyone quietly into the prison camps, promising them it would be fun, not to worry, he's working behind the scenes to "save" us all. Biden's role is to turn up the heat in-your-face. It's like the Good Cop, Bad Cop routine!!! Guess what, no politician is going to save you so you better figure out how to save yourself.

トランプの役目は国民を、「大丈夫、楽しいから心配ないからと、裏で助ける準備をするから」と、国民を騒がせないで信頼させて強制収容所に送り込むことだった。バイデンの役目は露骨だから、もっと判りやすいだけ。良い警官を演じるトランブと、悪い警官を演じるパイデン。でも両者とも、国民を捕えて投獄するという目的は同じ‼ 国民を救ってくれる政治家なんていないから、自分でどうしたら救われるべきか考えるべき‼

>>Nothing in our Constitution that this exists.


 >>you got that right. Unfortunately we are a British corporation, so our Constitution was allowed to be hijacked by our Forefathers, most of which, were Free mas0ns.
